· The new guidelines and requirement for co-funding in respect of applications received after 7 April 2020 is reduced from 50% to 10%
· This introduction of a second voucher is up to a value of €2,500 for businesses.
· This is also available to those that have already availed of a voucher under the Scheme and who find themselves needing to upgrade their existing e-commerce capability.
· The drawdown of payments in respect of new vouchers in two instalments rather than in one instalment as is presently the case.
· Subscriptions to low cost online retail platform solutions, are eligible expenditure under the scheme, to allow applicants to quickly establish a retailing presence online.
Eligibility Criteria include:
10 or less employees; Turnover less than €2m; Applicant business must be trading for at least 6 Months;
Contact your local LEO office, see link: https://www.localenterprise.ie/Discover-Business-Supports/Trading-Online-Voucher-Scheme-/
