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Why You Deserve More From Your Receipts: Relaunching Receipt Bank For Businesses

No one starts a company to deal with receipts. But SMEs still spend 71 days a year on admin. That’s why we’ve introduced a world-leading productivity platform for accountants and bookkeepers to help SMEs work smarter too.

Whether you’re an in-house bookkeeper or an entrepreneur looking to spend more time where it matters, Receipt Bank For Business is for you.


Over the last eight years, Receipt Bank have built a huge network of accounting and bookkeeping partners. In fact, earlier this year they celebrated 250,000 businesses worldwide using Receipt Bank in May 2019.

We hear stories everyday of bookkeeping time cut in half, client numbers doubled, and goals being beaten and surpassed. Thousands of professionals are now putting value first for their firms and their clients, exactly as it should be.

Earlier this year, they turned their attention to ensuring their technology was as good as it could be for business-owners. If it makes life easier and helps people grow their business, they can then make the next leap and start working with an accountant.

We wanted to give business-owners more value, more options and ultimately, more time. Fast forward to today, Receipt Bank for Business is re-launched and open for business and we are delighted to introduce Receipt Bank at TJ Briody & Co. Chartered Accountants.

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