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Cross Border Taxation Issues

In today’s global marketplace, more and more businesses are seconding or relocating staff internationally. The benefits of having experienced team members in key overseas locations are undeniable. However, dealing effectively and efficiently with the often-complex taxation and social security issues can be a challenge

The Issues

Relocating employees abroad can be beneficial for your organisation but managing all the tax, social security, and immigration obligations can bring additional administration for your organisation.

What are the residency rules in each jurisdiction?

What is the impact on local tax liabilities of becoming tax resident and what are the benefits of split-year treatment?

What are the tax obligations for Directors in each country?

Will employees be better or worse off as a result of assignment?

Are relocation expenses tax allowable?

What tax is payable on the combined remuneration package?

What are tax exempt rulings?

What countries have double tax treaties?

How do you work out domicile and residency status?

What are the social security obligations?

What are the payroll obligations?

TJ Briody & Co. can advise on all aspects of the taxation and social security issues that arise with employee secondments and relocations together with minimising your taxation and administrative burden.

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