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Budget 2020 set to modify help-to-buy scheme

Talks to finalise Budget 2020 are set to continue today with discussions planned across Government departments and between the Minister for Finance and Fianna Fáil.

Last night, Paschal Donohoe met the Independent Alliance over a Budget cast in the most unique of circumstances.

The traditional build up has been dwarfed by heightened fears of a hard Brexit.

Despite the low key approach, however, the broad outline of Budget 2020 seems clear.

There will be a carbon tax increase, probably in the order of €6 to €7 per tonne.

That would break down at 2 cent on a litre of petrol or diesel and it would also mean an increase of about €15 on a fill of home heating oil.

Modifications to the help-to-buy scheme for first-time home buyers are also on the cards.

There will not be blanket tax cuts and welfare increases.

Instead, there will be targeted changes, with the elderly and children at risk of poverty the main focus for Government.

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